Friday, January 3, 2014

South High, New York City

Columbus's own South High High School Students tour New York City, singing their rendition of the classic "On Broadway, on broadway" as one student puts it. [3]

Last year the students traveled to Washington, DC to tour the city singing their songs.

This year the students raised funds to travel to the Big Apple to see what the world thinks about how they've grown.

New York City, which is an Alpha City, or Global City, which refers to its status as the city "which [is] vastly more integrated with the global economy than any other cities," [1] is where the group will showcase their skills.

The students don't see it as intimidating, they see it as "amazing." [2] In fact, this is more like a choir tour you would see from, say, a private college.

"South High Harmony is something that they feel really proud of, and they should" says Dani Moore, Corps Member at South High High School. [4]

"School is really what you make it," indeed.

Check out this incredibly inspiring video:

[1] -
[2] - Reggie Jackson of the Harmony Project,
[3] -
[4] -